


IN Life, BUSINESS, love


Get ready to step into YOUR power, find freedom + LEVEL UP


looking for a coach


but inspires and encourages you to move forward while working through your blocks?





True change and growth comes from within. As your life coach, my goal is to help you develop a deeper understanding of yourself - your thoughts, beliefs, emotional patterns, and behaviors.

Through guided self-reflection and mindful questioning, we can shine a light on the inner barriers or blocks that may be holding you back from living the life you want. Inner work is challenging but powerful, as it helps reconnect you with your authentic self.

Together, we will embark on a journey to increase your self-awareness and gain insights into how to transform limiting thoughts and beliefs into more empowering ones. By doing this inner work, you are making a commitment to your growth and evolution as a person. External change will follow from there.

Life coaching can help you unlock your full potential and achieve more than you ever thought possible.

Coaching is about breaking through barriers, discovering your blind spots, and pushing you outside your comfort zone into a place of new growth You will gain clarity on your life's vision, develop an actionable plan to achieve your biggest goals, and stay accountable to follow through.

Coaching can help you level up in all areas of your life. In your career, coaching will help you gain confidence, improve your skills, and take bold steps toward advancement. In your relationships, coaching will give you insights into how to communicate better, set healthy boundaries, and nurture true intimacy. For your health and fitness, coaching will empower you to develop sustainable habits and find motivation to become the best version of yourself.

Working with a coach means committing to constant progress. It means not settling for less than your full potential. With a coach by your side, you have a partner who believes in you and wants the best for you. They will push you in a way friends and family can't, helping you discover strength, ability, and talent within yourself that you never knew you had.

If you're ready and willing to do the work, . life coaching may be one of the most transformational experiences you ever undertake. The possibilities for your life are endless. What are you waiting for? Level up and start living your best life yet.




After a successful career as a collegiate athlete and over a decade of professional experience in corporations, start-ups, and consulting, Naomi has combined her passion for health and wellness with her expertise in personal development as a transformational mastery method certified life coach. She helps motivated individuals transform the hidden aspects of their lives through clarity, inner work, accountability, and actionable strategies, empowering them to create lasting change and live a life aligned with their true purpose. Working with Naomi means committing to your highest self and gaining the skills, mindset and motivation to achieve sustainable and powerful transformation.

as featured on




three ways to





Invest in yourself and your personal growth with a tailored program to achieve clarity, confidence, and fulfillment

1:1 Coaching

Group Coaching

Coming soon

With Voxer support, you'll have direct access to coaching for ongoing guidance, motivation, and accountability between coaching sessions.

Voxer Support




1:1 Coaching

Tsunami Transformation

  • Personal growth and transformation
  • Increased motivation, momentum and progress
  • Clarity, vision and direction
  • Guidance and navigation into action
  • Journeying into freedom and self-discovery


Group Coaching

Wave Riders Mastermind

  • Embody life's movement, momentum and progress like waves/tides. Riding the wave of life's changes together as a group
  • Group journeys of transformation, adventuring and purpose pursuit
  • Collectives, circles and tribes for community, connection and accountability
  • Learning, masterminding and retreats to build skills and confidence

Coming Soon



You have greatness within you, waiting to break free. I promise to walk alongside you and guide you through every step of your transformation to build the happier, healthier, more fulfilling life you deserve. Let's get started on your journey today.



Quotation Mark
Quotation Mark
Quotation Mark
Quotation Mark

Naomi is a very kind, gentle and supportive guide and ally to have on your side! As I worked one-on-one with her, she offered many great suggestions for self-reflection and action steps to create more space for freedom in areas of my life that I was feeling stuck, such as with my business and relationships. With trust in Naomi’s guidance and a determination to make changes in my life, I have found myself feeling more empowered, focused and peaceful. I truly do feel more capable to deal with the day to day challenges that life hands me. I found that the somatic work that Naomi offers to work wonders on rerouting my nervous system response to certain patterns and traumas. It was also so nice to have the accountability from Naomi, as this helped to encourage my likelihood of following through with things I wanted to accomplish in my life. Naomi truly holds a neutral space to vent, express and celebrate my experience, which felt extremely nourishing. I highly recommend exploring a supportive container with Naomi to help bring you closer to yourself and freedom within.

Annalise D.

Ayurvedic Practioner and business owner

"After five years self-employed, doing what I love most, I lost my vision and sense of purpose. A friend referred me to Naomi Ring for some consultations. What a lucky break that proved to be! In just a few sessions my perspective changed dramatically, and I began moving in new directions invisible to me before.

Naomi is amazingly insightful and empathetic; you can tell she's really tuned in. She guides without leading, and has an uncanny ability to transform self-defeating narratives into assertions of personal power. I'm on my way to realizing the best years of my life."

Alan W.

Professional Artist

"Naomi's coaching changed my life. I came to her feeling stuck and lost. Through goal setting aligned with my values and mindset shifts, she helped me find my inner clarity and motivation again.

Within months of working with Naomi, I felt like a new person with renewed confidence and purpose. Her guidance around developing new habits and overcoming obstacles was invaluable. I achieved things I thought were impossible before, with Naomi's support.

Naomi's personalized coaching, combined with her warmth and empathy, gave me the tools to transform my life from the inside out. I wholeheartedly recommend Naomi's life coaching - it was one of the best investments I ever made in myself."

Beth C.


"Naomi's coaching was the catalyst I needed to advance my career. I had been stuck for years, unsure of my passions and direction. Naomi helped me discover my strengths, values and goals through insightful exercises.

With Naomi's guidance and motivation, I gained the courage to apply for companies I never dreamed possible. Naomi boosted my confidence at every step and prepared me for interviews.

Within months, I landed my dream job with a significant title increase.

If you feel stagnant in your career or held back by limiting beliefs, Naomi's thoughtful approach can help you gain clarity and map out a plan to move forward. Thanks to Naomi, I finally feel on the right career path - and with my most impactful work ahead."

John K.

Tech Executive


frequently asked

Is coaching right for me?

Coaching works, but you must be ready to do the work. An extraordinary life is available for those willing to take the journey. Are you willing to challenge yourself in new ways? Are you open to trying new approaches to old problems? Are you committed to your own growth and achieving your biggest dreams? If so, life coaching may be one of the most transformational experiences you ever undertake. The possibilities for your life are endless.


What impact will working with you have on my life?

Working together, we will create clarity around your true goals and values, increase your self-awareness, break through limiting beliefs, and develop strategies and habits to create real, positive change in your life and work. You will leave feeling motivated, empowered, and ready to seize opportunities with confidence.


How will you help me overcome the roadblocks holding me back?

We'll identify the specific challenges and obstacles holding you back, understand the root causes, and develop personalized solutions. This may involve changing behaviors, challenging negative thoughts, creating structured plans, or gaining new skills and resources. Together, we'll create a support system so you can sustain progress and growth.


How will inner work factor into my coaching?

Much of life coaching involves inner work - gaining self-awareness, understanding your emotions, identifying motivation and values, and letting go of negative thoughts and beliefs. We'll engage in self-reflection exercises, discussions and journaling to build self-knowledge and insight. This inner work will provide the foundation for making sustainable changes in your behavior, habits and interactions with the world.


What inner obstacles might I need to overcome?

Common inner obstacles include lack of self-confidence, negative self-talk, limiting beliefs, fear of failure, difficulty managing emotions, and avoidance tendencies. We'll identify any inner obstacles specific to you and your goals, and develop strategies to face and overcome them. This may involve reframing thoughts, building coping skills, practicing mindfulness, confronting fears, and gaining emotional resilience.


How can inner work help me achieve my goals?

Gaining clarity on your values, motivation and emotional needs gives you a compass for choosing and committing to the right goals. Overcoming limiting beliefs and negative thoughts gives you the inner confidence to pursue bold goals. Managing stress and negative emotions gives you the inner stability to persevere through challenges. And celebrating progress builds motivation and sustains your efforts. All of this together enables you to take consistent action toward achieving your goals.




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